A companion app for Mahjong Soul to help with bonding characters.

Clicking through menus became tiresome and I'm stingy with my items, so I made this tool in ~3 weeks to streamline the process and make bonding my characters much easier and efficient. There's also a simple character randomizer for when you have more characters than you probably should.

I want to add more features and fun things if I have the time (bonding progress, all skins, localization, Optical Character Recognition, other QoL stuff) but it does the job as it is, so no guarantees.

Feedback is welcome. Standalone versions coming soon (Windows/Mac/Linux).

IMPORTANT (browser-only):

Export your save data by going to [Settings > Export] to download a backup of your data. When/If the tool is updated to a new version, your save data will be deleted (on the browser version only). You can restore your save data in any version of the tool by importing it in [Settings > Import]. This issue DOES NOT happen on Standalone versions (Windows/Mac/Linux).

First-Time Tips:

  • Press [Enter] or [Space] to search (See Keyboard Controls)
  • Click a character's icon to toggle their rank between 1 and 0
  • Set your favourite characters' ranks to a higher number to see which characters you want to bond first
  • Click the little 'B' on a character to set them as Bonded, and they will be ignored in Wishlist/Items priority sorting
  • Sort items by Owned (default) to see items as they are sorted in Mahjong Soul
  • Sort items by Priority in the Items page to see what items you need most on the left, and what you can turn into dust on the right.
  • Set owned characters' ranks higher than 1 to avoid accidentally clicking on them and setting them back to 0

Keyboard Controls:

Change Page[1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5]
Search[Enter / Space / S / Q]
Quit - (Desktop Only)[Escape]
Published 17 hours ago

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